
Cancer symptoms: Why you should never ignore this feeling in your chest

Symptoms of cancer depend on the type of cancer in question, although some do overlap, and some can be similar to the symptoms of non-cancerous conditions. Some symptoms of cancer may seem obvious, like a lump or growth in the size of a mole, but others can be much more subtle and easily overlooked. It’s important not to self-diagnose changes you notice in your body, as you might think a symptom you are experiencing is no big deal, when actually it could be a sign of cancer. One symptom you should never ignore is an ache or pain in the chest.

Chest pain can be caused by something as minor as heartburn or indigestion, but it can also be a sign of something very serious, like a heart attack.

Pain in the chest can also be a sign of lung cancer, warns Cancer Research UK.

According to the cancer charity, chest pain related to lung cancer could be a dull ache or a sharper pain. It could extend to the shoulder.

The NHS adds that aches or pains in the chest could be exacerbated when breathing or coughing.

Experiencing chest pain doesn’t mean you have lung cancer, and equally doesn’t mean you are having a heart attack.

But if you have chest pain that doesn’t have an obvious cause, it’s better to get it checked out just in case, especially if you experience other symptoms.

Other symptoms of lung cancer include a persistent cough, a long-standing cough that gets worse and persistent chest infections.

Persistent breathlessness, tiredness and lack of energy are also symptoms, as are loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss.

People with lung cancer may also find they cough up blood, or coloured mucus or phlegm.

“These symptoms may not be due to cancer but it is important to get them checked by a doctor,” advised Cancer Research.

“Don’t put something new or different about your body down to getting older or another health condition you might have.

“If you notice any unusual changes or anything that doesn’t go away, see your doctor.”

More than one in three people will be struck down with cancer at some point in their lives, according to the NHS.

There are over 200 different types of the disease. The four most common types in the UK are lung cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer.

According to the British Lung Foundation, there are 85,000 people living in the UK who have received a lung cancer diagnosis.

This includes people living with the condition, those in remission and those who have been cured.


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