
Brexiteers may back Theresa May's deal, says Esther McVey

One of Mrs May’s fiercest Tory critics, Esther McVey, indicated that many of her Eurosceptic colleagues could vote for the withdrawal agreement in a third “meaningful vote” expected on Tuesday. She said Brexiteers regarded the deal as “rubbish” but accepted this week’s move to delay Brexit until at least the end of June put the country’s departure from the EU in jeopardy. “People are going to have to think a different way next week,” said Ms McVey, who quit the Cabinet to vote against Mrs May’s EU agreement last November. In an interview for BBC podcast Political Thinking, she was asked by Radio 4 presenter Nick Robinson if she and other Tory Brexiteers were ready to “hold their noses and vote for Theresa May’s deal”.

She replied: “Yes. I don’t know what the number is but they will have to do that if they now want Brexit.”

Ms McVey also said Mrs May should resign in a “dignified manner” after delivering Brexit.

She spoke out as senior ministers intensified talks with the DUP’s 10 MPs who could be key to breaking the parliamentary deadlock.

The Chancellor Philip Hammond was in the meetings, sparking speculation that more cash could be on the table for Northern Ireland as the DUP’s alliance with the Tories is due to expire in June.

DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds described the talks as “constructive” last night.

He said the DUP was willing to listen “very, very carefully” to any fresh advice from Attorney General Geoffrey Cox that might allay their fears over the backstop. “He has an enormous amount of credibility,” Mr Dodds added.

Mrs May spent yesterday in her Maidenhead constituency recovering from a throat infection that has dogged her all week.


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