
Brexit news: ERG MP ready to vote for May's deal 'Hobson's choice'; DUP warning

The MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham has also predicted Mrs May’s withdrawal agreement will either squeak through, or be defeated by a dramatically reduced margin if it it put to the vote this week – and suggested she would come back for a FOURTH attempt if she is unsuccessful. And he warned the Democratic Unionist Party against pushing too hard when it came to the backstop, suggesting their opposition to Mrs May’s plans put them out of step with public opinion in Northern Ireland. Mr Kawczynski confirmed his intentions in a letter to ERG colleagues yesterday, in which he urged them to back Mrs May’s deal “to get it over the line”.

He told Express.co.uk: “Senior members of my Conservative Association have made a deputation to me, people who I respect and trust, and you have remember, the association does all the spade work here.

“In addition, all of my councillors apart from one have urged me to go for it.

“When you have overwhelming requests, it would be egregious to discount all that.”

Mr Kawczynski previously backed the idea of leaving EU without a deal rather than supporting Mrs May’s blueprint – but said: “Remaniacs have thrown away our last negotiating card by ruling out no-deal and there is no other deal apart from hers that can get through the House of Commons.

“I feel we need to get this deal across the line and then change our leader.

“The Conservative Party will be decimated if it doe not deliver Brexit.”

Mr Kawczynski’s views put him at odds with those of fellow ERG member Steve Baker, who has vowed to block Mrs May’s deal in all circumstances.

But Mr Kawzczynski said: “I’m not appealing to Steve Baker. 

“I’m appealing to people like me.”

He suggested Mrs May had a chance of getting her plan through Parliament if it is put to a vote this week.

Mr Kawczynski also predicted she would come back for a fourth attempt if it failed narrowly.

He said: “I suspect that this deal will either get through or fall short by 30 votes or so.

He added: “This is a tangible, realistic deal which will settle this for all.”

Pressed about the attitude of the DUP, whose support is being feverishly courted by Mrs May, Mr Kawczynski said: “I’ve been on the phone to the DUP and they are coming under increasing engagement from the Government, including Attorney General Geoffrey Cox.”

He added: “Looking at the opinion polls, the vast majority of people in Northern Ireland want this deal.

“The DUP needs to be careful it does not end up out of step with the people of Northern Ireland here.”


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