
Branded baby formula milk has the SAME nutritional benefits as supermarket own brands less than half the price

BRANDED baby formula milk has the same nutritional benefits as supermarket own brands less than half the price.

A study found £175.99 buys a six-month supply of Sainsbury’s Little Ones formula.

 The findings are exposed in the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary ‘The Great Formula Milk Scandal'


The findings are exposed in the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary ‘The Great Formula Milk Scandal’

The amount buys just 3½ months of SMA Pro First Formula and 2½ of Aptamil Profutura Stage 1.

All have the same essential nutrients. And researchers said additional ingredients beyond the minimum requirements in guidelines are not needed for a baby to thrive.

Infant feeding specialist Shel Banks said: “All we need in the first 12 months of life — according to our NHS, according to the World Health Organisation — is these first stage infant milks. There’s nothing to choose between them in terms of nutrition at all.”

The findings feature in Monday’s Channel 4 Dispatches documentary The Great Formula Milk Scandal.

It says some midwives recommend particular brands after training events sponsored by makers.

Experts also warned of misleading claims, including ones about reducing eczema.

 Infant feeding specialist Shel Banks advises the NHS on baby milk formula
Infant feeding specialist Shel Banks advises the NHS on baby milk formula
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