
Border collie cop collars 'lolly' skollies in R300K Makhanda drug bust

Bayley, the border collie who assisted police in Makhanda with his first career drug bust.

Bayley, the border collie who assisted police in Makhanda with his first career drug bust.

  • A one-year-old police border collie named Bayley made his first big drug bust in Makhanda.
  • Bayley and his handler were part of a team of officers who executed a warrant of arrest in Joza, Makhanda.
  • Police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender said Bayley displayed enthusiasm throughout and led the team to the consignment of drugs.

A one-year-old police border collie named Bayley has been lauded for leading the police to his first big drug bust in Makhanda where mandrax, tik and crack cocaine worth R300 000 were seized.

Bayley and his handler, Sergeant Stembele Gqomo, were part of a team of officers who executed a warrant of arrest at N Street in Joza, Makhanda.

Police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender said Bayley displayed enthusiasm throughout and led the team to the consignment of drugs.

Acting district commissioner for the Sarah Baartman District, Brigadier John Lebok, commended the team and added: “Our four-legged partners constantly prove to be one of our most valuable resources during operations. Bayley and all his K9 colleagues have been loyal and faithful in the execution of their duties and each need a special commendation.”

Lebok said:

Over the last couple of weeks, our teams from the district have made several arrests and seized over R1 million worth of drugs. These drugs are contributing to a number of crimes, including rapes, murders, robberies and thefts. Campaigns to create awareness on the uses and its effects on society are being conducted on a regular basis. These operations are ongoing and eventually we will rid the streets of these drugs.

A 36-year-old female was arrested, and she faces a charge of possession of drugs.

She is expected to appear in the local magistrate’s court this week.

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