
Best diet for over-55s revealed but older people less likely to eat healthier

They say wisdom comes with age – but a survey has found older people are less likely to switch to healthier eating.

Just 58% of over-55s actively seek a better diet, compared with nearly 80% of 18 to 24-year-olds, according to a poll by the World Cancer Research Fund.

And the over-55s are less likely to be aware of the links between a bad diet or high alcohol intake and an increased risk of cancer.

Research leader Dr Giota Mitrou said: “It’s particularly worrying the older generation is the least aware and least willing to change.

“As people live longer, we’re seeing an increase in cancer rates, but it’s possible to reduce your risk.”

Sausages can be filled with salt (stock photo)

It backed up the findings of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey last year that many older people are failing to get the nutrients they need to fight disease.

But it’s never too late, claims nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan.

She says: “What you eat now will have a direct effect on how your body copes with getting older, and could cut your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses.”

Alcohol can be very unhealthy if you drink too much

Here she shares easy changes people over 50 can make to their diets to fight disease and ensure a happier, healthier old age…

Cull white carbs

After 50, a diet higher in protein and lower in refined carbs – such as white bread and pasta – is the most effective at reducing obesity and the risk of serious illness.

One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the waistlines of middle-aged people who ate high levels of white carbs expanded three times more than those who ate wholemeal versions. This means simply swapping to wholemeal bread and pasta and brown rice.

Factor in more fibre

Your risk of type 2 diabetes increases after 50, but boosting fibre intake can help combat this.

Fibre slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, which in turn helps control blood sugar levels. Fibre is also important for healthy digestion and lowering cholesterol, with plant foods such as beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains among the best sources.

Fresh raw almonds

Government guidelines recommend that we eat around 30g of fibre per day, but research shows that many people in this age group manage less than 15g.

Eat more omega-3s

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and fresh tuna contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to a lower risk
of heart disease and memory loss. Aim to eat at least one portion
a week.

Boost your antioxidant intake

Certain diseases, including heart disease, eye problems and cancer, become more likely in your 50s and beyond. So including plenty of protective antioxidants – found in colourful fruit and
veg – is more important than ever.

Broccoli is a good green veg

For maximum benefits, aim to eat a “rainbow” of at least five portions of different brightly coloured fruit and veg every day.

Drink moderately

Over half of over-50s drink more than the recommended 14 units per week, show figures from Drinkaware

High alcohol intake is linked to liver disease, high blood pressure , dementia and certain cancers. Try to have at least two days booze-free before building up to three or four dry days.

Avoid crash diets

Slashing food intake reduces important vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients.

Salmon is a healthy choice

Instead eat sensible portions to lose weight more slowly and think about taking a multivitamin supplement for over 50s.

Slash your salt intake

Too much salt can raise blood pressure, which can seriously increase your risk of heart attack or stroke.

Cut added salt and check labels.

Pouring milk into the glass

Get plenty of calcium

Women need to increase calcium sharply after 50, but men also need a good consumption of calcium-rich dairy foods and leafy vegetables to protect their bones.

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