
Benefit claimants with mental health problems will be fast-tracked for treatment under a drive to get more people into work

BENEFIT claimants with mental health problems will be fast-tracked for treatment under a drive to help more people into work.

Medical experts will be stationed in job centres to give on-the-spot assessments and will have power to refer people for treatment.

 Medical experts will be stationed in job centres to give on-the-spot assessments and will have power to refer people for treatment

Getty – Contributor

Medical experts will be stationed in job centres to give on-the-spot assessments and will have power to refer people for treatment

Apart from cutting the wait for an appointment, ministers believe getting a job and mixing with other people speeds up recovery.

Job-seekers in need of psychological support currently have to wait up to 28 days for a first appointment to see a therapist.

But the new approach is being tested in a joint venture by the DWP and NHS in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.

If the plan works it will then be rolled out across the country.

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd told The Sun on Sunday: “I know that the security of a regular wage, the camaraderie of the workplace and the self-esteem you get from being in work can vastly improve the mental health of so many people.


“That’s why providing people with mental health conditions with as much support as possible, so they can get back into work, is one of my top priorities.

“And it’s also a huge benefit to Britain’s economy when everyone who is able to work does work.”

The move is expected to improve waiting times significantly for access to psychological therapies services and enhance the Jobcentre’s support so it reaches the most vulnerable people.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “Many people with mental illness feel as if they are at rock bottom. For some, work can seem like an impossible task. But I know that with the right support, people can feel better and get back into work.

“So as part of our NHS Long Term Plan, we are supporting people with mental health issues get back into work – helping thousands of society’s most vulnerable people live healthier and happier lives.”

 Work and Pensions Secretary Amber is fully behind the scheme
Work and Pensions Secretary Amber is fully behind the scheme
Tyson Fury offers his help to people suffering from depression and anxiety


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