
Are complaints about wokeness in comedy valid or just the usual 'the Olds don't get it' issue?

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld recently made headlines for complaining about political correctness in comedy — a topic he has been vocal about for years. In an interview with The New Yorker ahead of his Netflix movie “Unfrosted,” Seinfeld declared there has been a dearth of funny TV sitcoms since the days of “Cheers” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” “This is the result of the extreme left and PC crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people,” he said. 

In response, far-right influencers praised the former “Seinfeld” star, while others called him out of touch, a grump or just plain wrong. “An argument that edgy, provocative, politically incorrect comedy has gone extinct is laughably debunkable,” said Kevin Fallon at The Daily Beast, before citing a litany of such contemporary shows. After Seinfeld’s comments, comedian Jon Stewart touched on the subject while headlining the Netflix Is a Joke Fest. “What are you losing? ‘You can’t say anything anymore.’ What do you want to say?” Stewart said in reference to the protesting humorists. “Honestly, are you that fucking unimaginative that you can’t figure it out?” 

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