
Anti-LGBT group launches petition to boycott 'Toy Story 4' over same-sex parents reference

An anti-LGBT group in the US has launched an online petition, complaining about a subtle reference to a same sex couple in Toy Story 4.

One Million Moms, which has form when it comes to complaints against same sex images in ads and on TV, has said that the scene is there ‘in order to desensitize children’.

So far, more than 12,000 people have signed a petition addressed ‘to Disney’.

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The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene finds two mothers dropping off and picking up a child from school, but is not referred to specifically in the movie at all.

Reads an outraged article on the group’s website: “At the start of the movie, when Woody’s new owner Bonnie goes for her first day of kindergarten, in the background there is a quick scene where one child is dropped off by two moms.

“Later, the moms return to pick up their child who gives them a hug. The scene is subtle in order to to desensitize children. But it is obvious that the child has two mothers, and they are parenting together.

(Credit: Pixar/Disney)

“Some in the gay blogging community have agreed that the moment ‘was not groundbreaking by any standard’ but continued to praise it as a ‘small moment of normalization,’ which is exactly why 1MM finds this to be so dangerous.

“Disney has decided once again to be politically correct versus providing family-friendly entertainment. Disney should stick to entertaining instead of pushing an agenda and exposing children to controversial topics.”

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The petition supporters are asked to sign reads: “I do not appreciate Disney including LGBTQ content in the children’s movie Toy Story 4. There has been a deliberate lack of mentioning this content. Therefore, families are blindsided intentionally by your company. Actions such as this make me continue to distrust Disney.”

The group, which is part of the American Family Association, has led previous campaigns against the Cartoon Network, after after it tweeted a ‘Happy Pride’ message to celebrate Gay Pride from the Powerpuff Girls.

And more than 20,000 also signed their petition complaining about the gay marriage in the cartoon show Arthur in May this year.

In the group’s ‘about’ section, it calls for parents who are ‘fed up with the filth many segments of our society… are throwing at our children’ to join up.

Despite calls for a boycott of Toy Story 4, the latest Pixar movie has made $662.8 million at the worldwide box office so far.

It’s out now across the UK.


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