
After my near-death experience I learned an important lesson about joy

As a result of my childbirth ordeal, my mental health suffered dramatically (Picture: Krystal Neuvill)

People say childbirth is something you’ll never forget. 

But I actually have little to no recollection of my baby’s entrance into the world whatsoever. 

It was 2021 and I had critical Covid, so I struggled to breathe. I was scared, confused and wished that the entire thing would be over.

I ended up needing an emergency C-section, then being put in an induced coma. That’s when I went into cardiac arrest and doctors told my loved ones that I had a 5% chance of survival.

But I lived. Unfortunately, it would be three months until I was reunited with my baby.

As a result of this ordeal, my mental health suffered immeasurably. That’s why I’m so passionate about speaking out about it – especially this Mental Health Awareness Week.

Growing up, my mental health was OK on the surface. This is because I learned from a very young age how to pretend everything was fine.

Things reached a boiling point in my late teens though so I started counselling for the first time, which continued on-and-off in my early 20s.

By my mid-20s in 2016, this ramped up to weekly sessions of private therapy, which has been my lifeline ever since. I need to feel heard, understood and not judged – and therapy is the best place for that.

On top of that, I also journal, take supplements, get outside and try to get enough sleep.

My pregnancy towards the end of 2020 went mostly smoothly. But by mid-December – when I was seven months pregnant – I began to feel unwell. I had a fever and couldn’t hold down food.

That’s when doctors advised me to go to hospital, where I ended up having my baby prematurely, then being put into a coma. It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

After I properly woke up in mid-February – three months after being induced – my mental health was at an all-time low.

I want peop)le to grab onto the things that make them happy (Picture: Krystal Neuvill)

So I actually restarted therapy from my hospital bed, as soon as I could speak again. On top of that, I tried to take medication, but the sweating side effect was too much for me to bear so I stopped that.

My son was the biggest motivator throughout it all. After being discharged, he continues to be my light.

Over time, a really big realisation for me has been the fact that I am deserving of feeling joy, peace and contentment after all the trauma. Nobody needs to mentally suffer.

Relaying this important message is why I’m an ambassador for the charity, Mind. The organisation gives advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, as well as campaigns to improve services and raise awareness.

With 1.9million people on the waiting list for mental health support, there’s such a need for tangible action and change. That means more funding from people at the top.

We also need more support for community centres and youth clubs, as well as training for teachers, the police and people who work in the public sector.

Joy is out there waiting for you (Picture: Krystal Neuvill)

We need better social housing, rent control and childcare that doesn’t cost more than a mortgage.

This Mental Health Awareness Week, I want to talk about something that can actually feel really difficult. 


Money worries, relationship breakdowns, childhood trauma, and work stress can make life tough. Throw in motherhood, terminal illness or severe mental health problems and every day can feel like a struggle.

So grab onto the little things that make you happy.

The deep breath you take when your medication starts working. The rain that soaks you on your woodland walk. The baby that stares at you, then giggles while you’re doing your big food shop.

It is the familiar smell of the man you love who bought you some chocolate when things seemed just a little too heavy. It is finding comfort in a cup of tea, the birds chirping, or the random person who smiles at you as you cross the street.

Whatever your circumstance, whatever stories you tell yourself that make you feel undeserving, whatever fight you’re facing – joy is there waiting.

Ease into the small and simple acts of love, freedom and achieving the impossible.

After my near-death experience, I proved doctors wrong. I survived.

Now I’m making the most of it. Everyday is a second chance or an opportunity to start again.

Everyday is a moment you can decide to live.

Grace Victory is an ambassador for Mind

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