
12 things you’ll only know if you have ulcerative colitis

Some people with UC end up getting a stoma bag fitted (Picture: Getty Images)

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. It is a chronic condition, meaning that it is ongoing and lifelong. It is incredibly hard to live with and can often result in surgery. 

Alongside affecting the bowel, there are many other symptoms that can negatively affect your day to day life: extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and abdominal pains to name a few.

It can also be hard to speak out about the disease, as anything to do with the bowel can be quite a taboo subject – meaning it can often be a very lonely illness to live with.

Made In Chelsea star Louise Thompson recently revealed she had a stoma bag fitted after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, posting on Instagram: ‘HOW DO I DISCLOSE THIS SORT OF NEWS?’

Her worry over speaking up about the condition is something many living with UC deal with too, and she urged followers to ‘please be kind’.

Understanding more about this illness helps us better support those with it. So here are some things you’ll only know if you have ulcerative colitis.

1. People will often compare it to Crohn’s disease, even though internally it is completely different.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are completely different forms of inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s can affect you anywhere along the digestive tract, whereas UC only tends to affect the colon and/or rectum.

It can be incredibly painful at times (Picture: Getty Images)

2. But it’s also the easiest way to explain what it is, because people are more aware of Crohn’s than they are of UC.

People seem to be more aware of CD than they are of UC, meaning it’s often easier to just describe UC as being ‘a bit like Crohn’s’.

3. People constantly try to sell you miraculous ‘cures’.

There is no cure for UC. Sure, there are things that may help to keep you in remission, but there is no lifelong option.

However, even though countless surgeons and doctors have confirmed this, you’ll often come across random people trying to sell you products and attempting to convince you they will ‘cure you’. Absolute rubbish.

4. You become accustomed to openly talking about your bowel habits.

You deal with doctors so often to talk about your bowel habits, conversations others might be embarrassed about become normal.

5. You forget what’s appropriate.

Apparently, bowel habits aren’t suitable dinner table or first date topics. Given how commonplace it is for someone with UC, though, it’s easy to forget.

6. You probably rely on a ton of medication and supplements to fight fatigue.

Iron, Zinc and B12 supplements are very much needed to keep yourself from falling asleep (as fatigue is a common issue with UC) many people with with condition have a long roster of vitamins and medications they require to get by.

7. Organising days out is hard.

When you have UC, the most important part of the any trip is proximity to the nearest loo; anything over a mile and the plan goes out the window.

This means it’s often hard to be spontaneous, and you sometimes have to sit out of events if you could potentially get caught short.

8. Words like colon and rectum become less embarrassing to say. 

You’re used to using them in daily conversation when asked how you’re feeling, so toilet humour isn’t really a thing.

9. People will often compare your UC to irritable bowel syndrome. 

It is extremely annoying when people do this. They are completely different things. UC is a lot more serious, much more severe and causes more complications while coming with extreme consequences.

What is UC?

Ulcerative Colitis is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is a chronic condition, meaning it is ongoing and lifelong.

UC causes inflammation and ulceration of the inner lining of the rectum and colon. Tiny ulcers develop on the surface of the lining and these may bleed and produce pus.

Alongside this, other symptoms include abdominal pains, extreme fatigue, joint pain, diarrhoea and anaemia.

It’s estimated that UC affects around one in every 420 people in the UK.

10. ‘Wow! You’ve lost so much weight!’ is not so much a compliment anymore. 

Weight loss is a common symptom of UC, and it can get to the point where you look incredibly underweight and unhealthy. It’s certainly not a compliment when you’re losing weight because you’re so ill, but that doesn’t stop people commenting on your size.

11.The internet is the best place when you need support. 

Internet support groups are your go-to place when you need advice. Sometimes the advice of a doctor or a friend just isn’t good enough – even if they’re coming from a good place, it can be incredibly hard to talk about UC with someone whodoesn’t personally understand.

12. And you really learn who your true friends are over time. 

Through living with this chronic illness, toy gain an understanding of who is going to be there in your time of need and who is not. This will generally become apparent during a flare, as some people seem to go missing from your life until you’re in remission.

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