
WATCH | Superpod of dolphins' feeding frenzy off Fish Hoek

A superpod of dolphins and a single whale feeding just off Fish Hoek's shores.

A superpod of dolphins and a single whale feeding just off Fish Hoek’s shores.

A superpod of dolphins and a single whale feeding just off Fish Hoek’s shores has been captured in what can only be described as breath-taking footage.

According to Cape Town Etc. the footage was recorded by Kade Tame while aboard the Wizard on 28 March at around 11.30.

“We saw the superpod of dolphins and decided to follow them. As we were following them, the other half of the superpod was spotted swimming in from Muizenberg beach,” Tame told Cape Town Etc.

“We then realised that it was the same pod, and [they] were doing this for a reason (gathering fish). Before we knew it, there was white water everywhere, and the most spectacular feeding began.”

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