
WATCH | Baboons gatecrash gathering to bounce on Pringle Bay family's trampoline

  • A troop of baboons were caught playing on a trampoline in a Pringle Bay resident’s backyard.
  • The baboons are regular visitors and move around the area with familiarity. 
  • Baboon watchers often patrol the area to ensure the safety of residents and the baboons.

On a daily basis, Riaan Olivier has uninvited visitors at his home in Pringle Bay, Cape Town. 

On Sunday, a troop of baboons interrupted a family gathering by making themselves at home in Olivier’s garden. 

Mobile footage of the invasion shows the baboons jumping on a trampoline and playing among the pot plants. 

Speaking to News24, Emile Olivier, Riaan’s son, said their furry guests were regulars.

“My son loves the baboons, they come around every single day between 16:00 and 15:00. They’re mostly just looking for food and don’t really bother anyone,” Emile said.

He said baboon watchers in the area are always keeping an eye out to ensure the safety of residents and the baboons.

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