3. Tag Winbury (Liev Schreiber)
This man’s hobby is hitting seagulls with golf balls. I feel like that alone is enough to place him prominently on this list. However, he’s also a guy who has never worked a single day in his life, and doesn’t seem to have any aspirations or goals. He also sleeps with young women, gets them pregnant, and then abandons them on the regular. All of this is pretty reprehensible, but, if I’m being honest, since he’s played by an affable Liev Schreiber, I’d probably still share a joint with the guy … and then lecture him about animal cruelty.
2. Abby Winbury (Dakota Fanning)
You know how I said I don’t like Amelia? Well, I also don’t like Abby, in fact, I love to hate her.
Abby is just so openly and brazenly awful that she’s magnetic to watch. She talks about coveting skin products with placenta in them, orders Gosia to clean up huge messes that she’s made herself, and tosses gossipy, passive-aggressive insults into almost every conversation she has. She’s the best … I mean worst. And Dakota Fanning makes her a delight to watch on screen. But she’s also a murderer.
When Abby decides to kill Merritt, we don’t see much emotion on her face. It’s much like she’s doing a chore or checking off something on her to-do list. It’s clear that Abby believes that the moneyed cocoon that she’s married into will protect her from harm, but unfortunately for her, she gets caught anyway. Sadly, we get the sense that the Winburys don’t really care about her either, as no one moves to help her as she and her pregnant belly get carted away by the cops. Which brings us to…
1. Thomas Winbury (Jack Reynor)
You probably thought that Abby would be number one on this list, right? Wrong! Thomas is legit the worst. Similar to his wife Abby, his antics are a delight to watch unfold on screen, and Jack Reynor has a gift for comedic timing that helps mask how terrible his character really is. But let’s check a few boxes, shall we? This guy is cheating on his pregnant wife. Check. He pulls a gun on another pregnant woman. Check. He steals prescription medication from a woman with cancer. Check! All of these are totally reprehensible behaviors that suggest that Thomas has acted recklessly for his entire life. And worst of all? He’s a crypto bro. Ugh.
At the conclusion of the episode, which, presumably is the same night Abby gets arrested, we see him fighting with his lover, Isabel, back at the house. Um, shouldn’t he be at the station with his very pregnant wife? Or on the phone with a high-powered lawyer, attempting to get her some representation? Instead, he’s basically doing nothing, indicating that he’s worth nothing, and that is why he is unequivocally the worst of the Winburys.