
Stomach bloating: A life-sustaining reflex could cause a bloated belly

Trapped air in the body can contribute to the discomfort associated with gas – a bloated, stretch and uncomfortable tummy. In order to combat this, it’ll help to know what caused it in the first place.

Brigham Health assured that “bloating doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with digestion”.

Intestinal gas is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.

People are unique in how sensitive they are to gas production, which means some will get bloated more easily than others.

Adding to his line of thought, his fellow researcher, Jack Fieldman, added: “Sighing appears to be regulated by the fewest number of neurons we have seen linked to a fundamental human behaviour.”

What exactly is a sigh? Fieldman likens it to an involuntarily “deep breath”.

It’s purpose is to pop open the alveoli in the lungs, enabling the organ to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

However, it must be noted that there is “certainly a component of sighing that relates to an emotional state”.

As the body will produce a sigh involuntarily, this isn’t something you can control.

Thus, it’s imperative to understand what else could be contributing to that bloated feeling – and tips to prevent it from happening.

Brigham Health identifies behaviours that contribute to intestinal gas, such as using a straw, talking while eating, and chewing gum.

The most sensible options to reduce the likelihood of a bloated tummy is to not use a straw, to not talk while eating, and to not chew gum.

In most circumstances, occasional gas and abdominal discomfort doesn’t require medical attention.

Adjustments in eating habits and behaviours could help remedy the situation.

However, persistent bloating (for longer than three weeks) could be a health hazard.

In this scenario, the best course of action will be to contact your GP to discuss your symptoms.


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