Sophie Turner, 23, attended a New York Rangers game on Tuesday. During a timeout of the game, the actress had everyone turn their heads to the jumbotron as she added a new talent to her skill set: chugging wine. Turner received a big cheer from the crowd as she downed a glass of red wine in only a matter of seconds, and pumped her fist in victory when she made the wine disappear.
The Game of Thrones star later graced her fans with a repeat show of the performance on her Instagram.
She captioned the video posted to her 9.2m Instagram followers “send it for the starks”, referencing her role on the hit show.
Her stunt garnered a lot of attention, not only from fans, but from fellow celebrities.
American actress Vanessa Hudgens commented on her post, saying: “Hahahhaha ammmmmazing.”
While plus-size model Ashley Graham said: “My girl.”
Even Drake, one of the worlds most popular rappers, added in on the fun.
The Canadian rapper dubber Turner an “inspiration”, adding: “Wow inspiration for 2020 and beyond.”
Nicholas Hoult called the HBO star “a true hero”.
The video has currently been viewed almost 5.8m times and has more than 20,000 comments.
Game of Thrones’s producer company HBO also opted in on the fun, saying: “Shattered and season 8 hasn’t even started yet.”
Game of Thrones, where Turner plays one of the main characters, will return on April 14 this year.
The HBO hit is heading into its eight and final season and will have a total of six episodes.
Many are wondering how the show will end, and there’s few that actually know the truth.
Now, HBO boss Casey Bloys has waded into the speculation and dropped some seriously tantalising teasers about the coming scenes.
Casey told TVLine: “Everything I have seen makes me very, very confident that this is a season fans are going to be very happy with.
“It is a dramatically and emotionally thrilling way to end the series. I believe it all live up to the very high expectations.”