
Public warning issued after 'unusual' shark sighting in Western Cape river

The NSRI raised an alert warning after the shark was seen on Wednesday night in the Keurbooms River.

The NSRI raised an alert warning after the shark was seen on Wednesday night in the Keurbooms River.

PHOTO: Roger de la Harpe/Gallo Images

  • Western Cape residents have been warned of “shark activity” in Plettenberg Bay.
  • This comes after a shark was seen 300 metres upstream of the Keurbooms River mouth.
  • The sighting is “unusual” and the shark may be “ill and disorientated”.

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has issued a warning to the public after the “unusual” sighting of a shark at the Keurbooms River and along the Plettenberg Bay coastline.

The NSRI raised an alert warning after the shark was seen on Wednesday night.

“During a routine exercise on Wednesday 18 May, on the Keurbooms River, NSRI Plettenberg Bay duty crew came across a white shark, approximate length 3.5 meters [long], in the Keurbooms River,” said Jaco Kruger, NSRI Plettenberg Bay station commander.

The shark was seen around 300 metres upstream of the Keurbooms River mouth.

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“It is unusual to find a shark in the river itself. Marine scientists of the South African Shark Incident Committee suspect that the shark may be ill or disorientated,” Kruger said.

The NSRI and the Bitou municipality were appealing to the public to exercise caution on the Keurbooms River and along the Plettenberg Bay coastline.

“The warning is a precaution to alert the public of the presence of a shark in the Keurbooms River and a reminder that at this time of year sharks are known to feed inshore along the coastline and increased shark activity has been noticed along the Plettenberg Bay coastline,” said Kruger.

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