
'Praise the NHS all you like Boris, but we’re not blind to such hypocrisy'

It’s lovely to hear this Government talk up the communal values that come to the fore in times of national crisis.

To thank our brave NHS workers, praise our loyal public servants, big up the need for solidarity and national unity, and pledge that the state will be there to provide “whatever it takes” to beat this brutal pandemic.

The big question is, why were those sentiments not heard during this past decade, when they salivated as they slashed public spending and dismantled welfare through a relentless austerity programme?

These same people waved their Commons papers when George Osborne hacked at NHS budgets in the noble cause of “fixing the roof when the sun is shining”.

How are the roofs of our hospitals looking now? Or rather the lack of NHS beds, ventilators and protective equipment for staff underneath those roofs?

Fair play to Boris Johnson for keeping a straight face when he declared “this crisis is not a time for ideology”. For the past 10 years he has been a central figure in a party waging ideological war on millions of people whose lives were in crisis. On teachers and nurses, on benefit claimants, on the sick and the poor.

PM Boris Johnson announced dramatic lockdown measures tonight

He told us when announcing £330billion in loan aid for businesses (or the “boardroom bailout” as TUC leader Frances O’Grady put it) that “the enemy can be deadly but it is also beatable”.

Alas, it appears some enemies are more worthy of defeating than others.

When Labour councils told them the decimating of their funding was causing basic services to collapse, and people were dying because of it, why did they think that enemy wasn’t worthy of a fight? When foodbank use went through the roof and a homeless army cowered in the streets, did the root causes not seem like foes worth slaying?

Or do they only train their ­artillery on an enemy that affects the share prices, dividends and profits of the big companies that give their party millions?

Don’t believe anyone in this Tory Cabinet when they talk about the heroic nature of public servants and the need for state-backed solidarity.

Don’t believe anyone in this Tory Cabinet when they talk about the heroic nature of public servants

They are disciples of right-wing think-tanks which advocate war against the welfare state. Some have been corporate lobbyists, pushing for bigger tax breaks for the rich, others authors of papers demanding the NHS be sold to the profit-makers.

If they had been allowed to get their way the people they would have handed the NHS to would currently be deciding, in the face of this killer virus, who lives and who dies.

And the answer rests on the size of your wallet.

Their ideological lunacy is summed up by them begging 65,000 doctors and nurses to return to work to save the nation. These are ­dedicated professionals, many of whom left their vocation heartbroken at the appalling way they and the NHS were being treated by the same ­politicians now saying they value them so highly.

It’s shameless hypocrisy.

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Coronavirus outbreak

The good news is that as this emergency deepens, the Government’s decision-making will inevitably expose them, once again, as the party of the rich.

Which is why all is not lost. Think back to the last comparable national crisis, the Second World War, and how living through it changed mindsets.

At the end, following a decade of Tory rule, voters realised that sharing the wealth, giving profits back to the people and building a decent welfare state was the best way forward. And they were kicked out by a landslide.

There could just be some light at the end of this very dark tunnel.


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