
How to wear men’s cardigans | Priya Elan

Something strange is happening with cardigans right now. We have sprinted past the moment when they were the limp cousin of the jumper, worn only if one wanted to signal a love of secondhand paperbacks. Now, in an era of aggressive layering, the associations of feyness have faded and the cardigan has become an essential part of a man’s winter wardrobe.

Worn over a T-shirt or a shirt – and with large thanks to Gucci and Harry Styles, Tyler, the Creator and Brian Cox in Succession – wearing the cardigan is now (dundundun!) cool.

Coolcardie™ nods towards the Ivy Look (the 50s preppy and freshly groomed look; see actor Steve McQueen). But in its boldest iteration, when rendered in strong colours by Marni or Bottega Veneta, it takes a step up from layered piece to statement piece.

Today I’ve gone for The Statement Cardie: maroon with pockets, over a jumper. As with a shirt, all buttons done up is a good way to wear it (it looks a bit too slouchy otherwise). Preppy is nice, but the Coolcardie™ is all about changing up the traditional ways a cardigan is worn. You should avoid wearing it with a shoe that’s too smart (unless you want to go full Jude Law in The Talented Mr Ripley). A stacked trainer or even a Converse looks good here.

Do I like it? The moment I place my hands in the pockets, there’s a definitely a hygge vibe; I feel centred and peaceful. It hangs snugly, like wearing a cloud (see also: duvet jackets and tracksuit bottoms). I can see that Coolcardie™ and I will be friends for quite a while..


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