
Hand luggage: The surprising everyday item you cannot pack in cabin baggage

Hand luggage restrictions for plane passengers on flights can prove infuriating. With so many rules about what can and cannot be packed in cabin baggage, it’s hard to know what to do. Not only do airlines such as Ryanair and easyJet impose very strict size allowances but there are also important health and safety rules across multiple carriers and airports.

Marmite is a very popular – yet also divisive – spread very much enjoyed by many Britons.

However, travellers are not to allowed to pack it in their hand luggage as it counts as a liquid.

It seems many passengers are often caught out by the sticky spread’s state.

Earlier this year, London City Airport security revealed Marmite is their most confiscated branded food item.


There was a 50 percent uplift in passengers trying to take marmite though in the first three months of 2019.

Consequently, the London airport could end up seizing over 2,000 jars this year alone.

Travellers hoping to take marmite through have to make sure they are only taking under 100ml of it in their hand luggage.

Marmite is not alone in being a popular food item that counts as a liquid.

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) explains the hand luggage liquids restrictions on their website.

They advise, if possible, packing liquids in hold luggage to prevent any issues.

Liquids count as: “All drinks, including water; liquid or semi-liquid foods, for example, soup, jam, honey and syrups; cosmetics and toiletries, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara and lip gloss; sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray and spray deodorants.”

They also include “pastes, including toothpaste; gels, including hair and shower gel; contact lens solution; any other solutions and items of similar consistency”.


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