
Google Maps: Satellite image shows glowing yellow boat and red lights in South China Sea

Google Maps has become popular with users recently trying to find bizarre and strange sightings. The tool is mainly used for navigational purposes – for those who need to make their way to a new destination. However, the tool’s satellite image option has also proven to be popular among users.

To the right of the shape appears to be several red lights which are glowing in the water.

They seem to be dotted around sporadically along with a few other yellow lights.

It’s unclear what the sighting could be but it’s likely to be a fishing boat.

The sighting was spotted on Google Maps’ satellite camera by an eagle-eyed Reddit user.

They captioned the image: “China Sea: Is the ship on fire or shooting? What are those red things?”

The sighting garnered a plethora of comments from other Reddit users who tried to explain what the objects were in the water.

One user suggested: “Shrimping or some other type of fishing boat I think.

“They have extremely bright lights to simulate sunlight/moonlight depending on the fish.”

Another said: “I think squidding uses flood lights.”

Another user agreed: “Agreed, probably squid boats. Out on the seas you can see them from miles and miles away.”

Other users joked about the boats and the lights in the waters.

One user jokingly said: “Google Maps playing Battleship.”


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