Video game

Brief Godfall gameplay video confirms it’s a videogame – PC Gamer

[GodFall] [Video] – Combat Footage (A Fraction of the footage from an Unreleased Trailer I have) from r/PS4

Godfall is a ‘looter-slasher’ with the distinction of being the very first confirmed PlayStation 5 game. It’s also coming to the Epic Games Store, presumably late in 2020. Aside from an announcement trailer and a few brief gifs, not much of Godfall has been shown yet, but never fear, because an enterprising Redditor has captured a whopping six seconds of the game. That’s it above.

According to user YeahQuarterDongIng, it’s “a fraction of the footage from an unreleased trailer I have”. A few takeaways: it’s undeniably a videogame. The swordplay looks slow and weighty in a manner reminiscent of D**k S**ls and For Honor, though it’s much flashier than either of those. A whole lot of “slashing” is shown, but as for the “looting”, well, I’m sure we’ll hear more about that soon.


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