
Best supplements for the brain: Three of the best supplements to boost brain power

for the brain can help with the cognitive health by increasing blood flow to the brain and improving the brain’s functions, memory and sharpness. A healthy brain not only helps with alertness, but also helps with managing stress better and the ability to socialise regularly. Medical experts maintain that certain minerals, vitamins and supplements are an important part in maintaining brain health. Which are some of the best supplements for the brain to improve functions and improve sharpness and memory?

Fish oil

Fish oil supplements contain two types of omega-3 fatty acids which has been linked to many health benefits and has been show to help reduce the decline of brain function.

It has a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

The DHA helps with the structure of the brain and taking DHA supplements has been linked with improving your thinking skills.

EHA supplements help people suffering from depression.

B vitamins

In a study, B vitamins were given to people aged over 70 for a two-year period. 

The patients had previously suffered from mild cognitive impairment and found that those who had taken a combination of B vitamins, folic acid and vitamin B12 had a slower cognitive decline compared to those who had taken a placebo.

It is advisable to not just rely on the food you eat but rather take a supplement for vitamin B, folic acid and vitamin B12.

Ted Cooperman, president of said: “About thirty percent of people over the age of 50 don’t absorb B-12 properly from food.”

Vitamin D

D vitamins provide many health benefits, one of which is protecting the brain. Vitamin D helps support the growth of new brain cells and encourages the removal of amyloid before it could lead to a person developing Alzheimer’s disease. 

When a person has low levels of vitamin D, it could increase memory loss and increase the risk of developing dementia.

Researchers have discovered certain cells in the brain have receptors for vitamin D that keeps the brain healthy and functioning.

Holland and Barrett said of brain supplements: “There are a variety of supplements that come in a variety of formats from tablets to liquids and provides support to normal brain function and memory support.”

Brain supplements are ways to help boost the brain’s power and some may stimulate mental activity.

It’s best to find which supplements works best for you and discuss with your GP for any advice.


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